The Anti-Anxiety  Online  Parenting Classes For Teens and Tweens.

Discover the ultimate solution for stress-free parenting strategies with our Anti-Anxiety Parenting Classes for Teens & Tweens. Spend more quality time with your children by reducing parental stress and worry.


The Online Parenting Classes For Teens & Tweens.

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Grounded Parenting Course

Are You Worrying Or Parenting?

  • Do you sometimes feel an overwhelming urgency to protect and defend your teen or tween safe from danger and life.
  • You give so much of yourself to caring for your kid that you sometimes forget about yourself
  • You sometimes doubt your parenting choices, thinking you're doing too much or too little or "getting it wrong."

Stress and worry will always be part of being a parent; our kids are our most precious bundles of joy, and it's natural to care for them and want to provide the best for them. But for some parents, that natural concern elevates to constant levels of worry, anger and anxiety, and that can end up doing more harm than good.

Parenting is hard enough already, our goal of our parenting classes is to ease the burden of excessive worrying and anxiety.




Being a parent comes with a natural amount of stress and pressure; sometimes, our fears go overboard. Have you noticed you're overly concerned about raising successful, happy kids? Are you preoccupied with their success or worried about their future to an elevated level?

Depending on where your anxious thinking takes you, we imagine it could put you in the same group as the Tiger Parents, or perhaps the Snowplow Parents, and, of course, the Helicopter Parent. Whatever your parenting style is, and whatever label you put on it, (and you can find out for sure by raking our parenting style quiz here), you might agree that there's some anxiety in the mix.

This might not come as a surprise, but constant anxiety is not healthy for you, your child, or your family.

The Impact Of Anxious Parenting


If there's one thing you can do to ensure your child grows up into happy, healthy, well-adjusted & successful adults, it's to manage your own anxiety. Decades of research confirm the negative impact of parental anxiety on child development. It's vital for parents to understand their anxiety and to calm it.

Anxious or over-parenting can often have quite a negative impact psychologically on teens, children and young people which will often lead to them having a deficit in coping skills.


Academic Performance

Studies show that anxious parenting yields  will not guarantee academic success for their children. Excessive parental interference is often linked with creating high pressure, entitlement attitudes, and maladaptive perfectionism in students. 


Decision-Making Difficulties

When anxious parents solve problems for their children, the children ages 3 and up may not develop the necessary essential skills to navigate challenges on their own in their own daily lives.

Lack of Autonomy & Self-Efficacy

Parental anxiety can undermine the child's belief in their abilities, reducing their confidence in handling tasks and challenges independently.

Anxiety & Depression

The growing incidence of various anxiety disorders like social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and disorders related to separation and attachment among young adults is a growing concern, particularly in cases where parents are excessively involved. 

How To Stop Being a Helicopter Parent?

Grounded Parenting is one of our best-selling Family Systems oriented online parenting classes that deals with lowering the parental anxiety that is behind 'Helicopter Parenting', 'Tiger Parenting' 'Jellyfish Parenting.

But really, it's about more positive parenting strategies from a more grounded position and is suitable for any parent with kids of all ages, caregivers, community educators, or mental health professionals interested in Family Systems Theory.


The opposite of a helicopter parent is NOT an uninvolved parent that doesn't care - it's not a 'bad parent' either. It's responsible parenting that has a balanced approach to caring and controlling. 

Grounded Parenting: An Alternative to Helicopter Parenting – is one of online parenting classes that compiles all my teachings, tools, and strategies to shift from overprotective parenting to a more balanced approach. I share a decade's worth of working with parents through a family systems perspective, keeping it focused on healthy positive relationships.



A family systems-oriented parenting course to lower anxiety so you can stop worrying about parenting and start enjoying it.

Introducing Grounded Parenting: Your Path to Overcoming Parental Anxiety & Stress. Explore 5 Modules in our online parenting class that cover vital topics, including Anxious Parenting, Helicopter Parenting, and more! Suitable for anyone with children ages 3 and up.


  • 5 Modules - covering major topics of parenting and anxiety.

  • Over 12 videos no longer than 15 minutes, so that you can watch this at your own pace and because we know you're busy. 

  • Handouts and PDFs for all the modules and parenting skills so you can enhance your learning with printed copies of all the concepts.

  • Tried and tested skills to help understand yourself, others, and anxiety.

In-Depth Course Overview:

Unlocking the Secrets of Grounded Parenting


In order to combat anxiety, you have to know where it comes from. As a Family Systems therapist, I help clients and parents understand Chronic Anxiety as a function of their levels of differentiation. 

Understanding The S.O.F.T Modality is a game changer for anxiety and any relationship. 


Fear-Based anxiety is at the core of the matter when it comes to over-parenting moms and dads.

In this class, I explain how to contain your anxiety and keep it FIXED inside. That way, we don't act on it by rushing in and fixing things, and we give that much-needed space for psychological autonomy.


Developmental psychology teaches us that psychological autonomy is the essential difference in anxious parents and other parents. We explore the three areas of Autonomy you need to know about for raising children who are happy and independent.

  • Being in a relationship with our child

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Increased Responsibility


Our boundaries help us in so many ways; they keep our feelings from gushing out, distinguish us from Others, and contain our anxiety.  Balanced boundaries are the most healthy boundary we can have and in this class we look at what boundaries are most appropriate for different ages of children.


Organizations require structure for success, with clear leaders who distribute tasks and communicate well. Similarly, a family needs a structure and your parenting style heavily influences that. We discuss three parenting styles and how they can influence your family, children and your stress levels.




  • Handouts and PDF's for each class

    Tried and tested parenting skills to help understand your self, others and anxiety.

  • E-Book - the entire class is presented as an e-book for you to download and read at your pleasure

Meet Our Teen Parenting Experts: Experience & Qualifications

I'm Oliver, and I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a decade of experience helping families with relationship challenges, on top of that, I'm a Certified Group Psychotherapist, a Clinical Director and a Clinical SupervisorI have additional advanced training and certifications from both the Insitute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis and The Los Angeles Institute and Associations of Psychoanalytic Studies (LAISPS). I was awarded the title of "Certified Group Psychotherapist" by AGPA and received the Donald T Brown Memorial Award in 2017

As the Clinical Director of a residential treatment center in Malibu, California, I witnessed and taught hundreds of parents and families move from anxiously focused parenting perspectives to calmer, more grounded parenting styles. In Grounded Parenting I share some of the powerful evidence-based techniques parenting skills that I shared with these parents. In fact, I created this specifically so that I can reach more parents and teach these parenting skills and insights to even more people.

Real Stories of Transformation:  Helping Real Parents:


"Your help was tremendous with our family and we are SOOOO grateful to have found this class."


"I love the live practice classes included in the masterclass! Being able to put what I learned into practice right away was powerful."


"A powerful message delivered clearly and effectively. Thank you!"



  • Lower your anxiety by understanding where it comes from. 
  • Gain awareness of where anxiety will impact your parenting decisions.
  • Foster an environment that nurtures independent, autonomous and resilient young adults. 
  • Understand how to connect with your loved ones from a grounded, anxiety-free position
  • Set limits with confidence and calmness, and reward positive behaviors appropriately.

  • Develop healthy boundaries and set limits from a calm and loving position
  • Create your Parenting Values and grow great relationships in your home.

The Content

  • We know how busy you are, so we create our online classes to have videos that are shorter, bite-size chunks of 5- 12 minutes each. No hour-long video classes! We keep to the point and make this enjoyable and fun.

  • Every video and all the classes have handouts and PDF's to support your learning and to help you remember the content. 

  • Lifelong access to online parenting classes and notifications when new material is added.




Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:

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If you aren’t completely satisfied with your Self-Love Masterclass, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked.

Engage and Evaluate: Interactive Quiz and Assessment for Parents

Interactive Tools for Parenting Insight and Support


Find out how much anxiety and stress there is in your life with our interactive quiz.

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'Am I A Helicopter Parent?' Quiz

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