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New Therapist Toolbox - Interactive Therapy Tools

therapists toolbox tools May 07, 2022

The New Therapist Toolbox

Welcome to My People Patterns, a new resource for therapists, that is going to be filled with interventions, tools and techniques that are tried and tested by other therapists. 

Interactive Therapy Tools.

One of the goals of My People Patterns is to be able to bring you interactive therapy tools that are engaging and dynamic. We want to take the pressure of finding fun and engaging, interactive techniques in your therapy sessions- your list of things to do is already long enough. 

We know that the pressure to come up with ways to engage clients in therapy, particular with teens, can sometimes feel like even more work on top of the responsibilities you already have. My People Patterns has created interactive therapy tools and activities designed and tested by therapists that will engage and enliven your sessions. 

Right now you can get three of these therapy tools for free - simply sign up here to receive them in your inbox:

1. Foot Feelings & Icebreakers

Foot Feelings is one of the most fun ice-breakers we've used, it never fails to  spark a conversation whether I use it in group or with individual clients.  The activity itself is simple, but the possibilities of where you can take it are limited only by your imagination, and how well you know your client. 

2. The Perfectionist's Control Bowl

This experiential activity gives any clinician a window into the life of any client struggling with perfectionism or procrastination. The content we've put together around this free intervention is packed with ideas as well as step-by-step instructions and ways to deepen the therapeutic conversation you have with clients

 3. Postcards From The Past.

Therapeutic writing has been documented and written about in academic journals for decades, but seems to have fallen out of favor in recent years. Postcards From The Past is a simple activity that begins to help clients learn the benefits of writing or journaling, while asking them to think about their future self. and what they might need to remember from today. 


My People Patterns is a Relationship Education hub offering tools and articles to help you grow great relationships.