Healthy Ways To Deal With Anger Worksheet PDF
Jun 20, 2023
Anger is a complex emotion that can be challenging to understand and manage. However, with the right tools, we can gain insight into it and learn to navigate it in healthier ways.
By working through the questions and exercises in this PDF you can identify it and gain insight into your feelings. The questions are designed to help encourage self-reflection and self-awareness and to develop a practice around effective coping strategies.
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The Anger Spectrum represents the different ways in which it can manifest, from self-directed to healthy expressions of anger. The spectrum acknowledges that this is not a one-size-fits-all emotion. This is a vital part of these worksheets, as it explains consequences of unhealthy expressions of rage and the problems like depression it can create.
I'm Oliver, I'm a therapist and I help clients recognize and review difficult feelings and provide training and communication tools to lower stress and related feelings.